Thursday, March 1, 2012

I caught it!

The past few weeks have been a bit crazy at my house.

My husband has been out of town the last 2 weekends and had strep the weekend before, and I am going out of town this weekend, so family time has been a bit scarce.

So, we had an idea...

We picked the boys up from school Tuesday and surprised them with...
an afternoon trip to the snow!

I LOVE where we live!  You can get to the beach in 30 minutes, and to the mountains in 40 minutes.

We had a cold storm come through here on Monday, and it dropped a lot of snow on our favorite mountain town of Julian (famous for it's apple pie).

So, on Tuesday my husband came home early and we drove up for some sledding.

We had such a great time!

But in the middle of it all, something amazing happened.

 Samuel and I had kind of wandered from the rest of the boys.  My husband and the big kids were throwing snowballs and making snowmen and Samuel wanted to make a snow angel.  A lot of the snow was pretty trampled, so we walked a little farther away to find the fresh stuff.

Once we found it, Samuel plopped down and started making his angel.  Then, I plopped down next to him and starting making one myself.

And then, I looked up.
 Over my head were the most beautiful bare branches and every shade of blue in the sky that you could imagine.  A sliver of moon was just peeking out from behind the trees, and it was perfect.

I had to stop.

Exquisitely, quiet perfection.

And I caught it!

I caught that moment of beauty that takes your breath away.

When everything seems right in your world and you know that this is one of those perfect moments.

I could hear my husband and my older sons laughing, and Samuel had moved on to inspecting a nearby snowman.  I was alone, and it was quiet, and it was breathtaking!

And I almost missed it.  I almost missed it by getting caught up in "What time is it?" and "Are the kids warm enough?" and "I can't believe how much gas we are using to go on this little adventure!".

But by God's goodness, I stopped and I caught it!

And this day will always be so much more to me than just a fun outing with my family.

It will be beauty.

I hope you get a moment today to stop and catch something beautiful, something quiet, still, and a moment of peace.

Happy Thursday!


Chris said...

Well said, Holly.

Nikki Crockett said...

..your photo is gorgeous so I know that in person that sky was amazing. Love how you described it..perfect. Just perfect!