Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fun to Learn Fridays

by Mollie

  Hey ya'll!  Before I became a SAHM I was a preschool teacher.  I got to be in the classroom with sweet 2, 3, and 4 yr olds every day.  My favorite part of teaching preschool was learning through play. There were so many different activities that I enjoyed doing with my kiddos and now I get to do them at home with Zoie.

  I decided that here at Yellowmedaisy every other Friday is going to be Fun To Learn Fridays! I will be sharing some sort of learning through play activity.

  First up:  Water Beads & Bugs!

 I would love to take the credit for this fun idea but I got it from Jenae over at I can Teach My Child.  Check out her fun post here!

I started with 2 tubes of Aqua beads.  I had them left over from when I decorated from Christmas. 

I emptied them out into a Tupperware container and added the allotted amount of water and waited... Let me tell you, this was the hardest part! I hadn't even told Zoie about it yet otherwise she would have HOUNDED me with "mama!! I want to play toys!!"


Zoie, Pennie, & I got asked to review some toys for San Diego Family Magazine.  Super fun opportunity! We get the toys and have to write up a review of how the kiddos liked them! EASY PEASY! One of the toys they gave us were these Snug Bugs.  Fun plastic bugs that link together to make a chain.  

I decided to add them to our sensory tub!

At first Zoie was pretty apprehensive to touch the bugs and the beads.  

But then she dug right in! Connecting the bugs...

Grabbing the beads and squishing them (great for building little muscles for fine motor skills!)

Squishing and smelling them (learning about 5 senses)

Sharing (a concept we are ALWAYS trying to work on... wink...wink...)

Rubbing it on her face (another one of her senses)

**WARNING** This an activity that NEEDS supervision.  These little beads are very tempting for little mouths (they are non toxic) but they also break apart.  Just consider this some good mommy AND baby playtime. 

We also got to review the B school bus.  No educational activity here, just plain fun! Zoie had a BLAST with it! Please mind the red polka dot hat, she dressed herself.  She thinks she is Minnie Mouse when she has this hat on because its the same colors as her stuffed Minnie ( i haven't corrected her yet cause I think its cute!) 

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you have a great weekend, try to do something new and adventurous with your kiddo (if you have one or two!)  


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